The International Journal of Smart Education and High-Tech (IJSEHT) is an academic journal focusing on integrating advanced technological solutions into educational practices to enhance learning outcomes and create efficient and personalized learning environments. The journal covers many topics, including smart learning environments, educational technologies, digital and online learning, artificial intelligence in education, and pedagogical strategies leveraging high-tech solutions.

Journal Title : Journal of Smart Education and High-tech
Initials : IJSEHT
Frequency : 2 Issues Per Year (April & October)
DOI :  
Editor-in-Chief : Dr.Yeka Hendriyani, S.Kom., M.Kom.
Managing Editor : Delvi Asmara, S.Pd., M.Kom.
Citation : Google Scholar | OneSearch| Research Gate
License : Creative Commons | Open Access
Language : English

Vol 1 No 1 (2024): International Journal of Smart Education and High-Tech (IJSEHT)

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